lm Pre Development

We at Genlock Films have various projects in our development slate. If you are interested in joining hands with us either in the development of these projects or for one of your own projects then do get in touch. We have the expertise of bringing ideas to the big screen. Call us and see what magic we can do together…



Reunion In Hell

“I spit on your grave” meets “I know what you did last summer”


A college girl is brutalised by classmates and then scarred by her psychotic brother. Six years later, the same group of friends meet again at a reunion party. When her brother makes an unexpected appearance, the party soon turns into one hell of a night.

Director Amrit Basran
Producers Sandip Patel, Phill Taylor
Script Tim Pickett
Production Co. Genlock Films, Film Engine
Main Cast Sasha Jackson, Kevin Leslie, Victoria Broom, Chloe May Cuthill





This is the story of a teenage girl facing the challenges in her school life and home life. An alcoholic mother, a younger sister with the Asperger’s, bullying and a boyfriend who has his own game plan. Will she ever be able to stand up to these adversities or will she crumble under the pressure and become another statistic?

Director Tim Pickett
Producers Sandip Patel, Amrit Basran, Phil Taylor
Script Tim Pickett
Production Co. Genlock Films, Film Engine
Main Cast Sam Douglas, Keith Dunphy, Ciaran Kellgren, Carol Harrison, Olivia Jewson, Marysia Kay



Factory Farm

“Disclaimer: No Animals will be hurt in the making, only humans”


Under the cloak of darkness a group of animal rights activists break into the Smithfield Farm to film the inhumane way the pigs are processed on the farm. However they are not prepared for the horrors they find, let alone the psychotic Smithfields being there! The Smithfields are not a family who take kindly to intruders and the mistreatment of the animals quickly becomes the least of the activists’ fears.

Director Andrei Koscina
Producers Sandip Patel, Amrit Basran, Phil Taylor, Diney Bindman
Script Ellie Bindman
Production Co. Genlock Films, Film Engine
Main Cast Ellie Bindman, Terri Dwyer, Rosana Hault,Eleanor Scarlett Tutt